What is Hau Tapu Breathwork?
Join us for Hau Tapu Breathwork and Taonga Pūoro sound healing journey.
You will be welcomed into a carefully curated TAPU | SACRED space where you will be safely held and guided on your Breathwork and Sound journey and nourished by our unique Rongoā Māori infused Cacao.
Hau Tapu means - Sacred breath and we use this divine MAURI or life force of the breath as the key to your journey.
Our space is anchored by the Heart stone Pounamu, and the journey is interwoven with ancient ORO or vibrational sound and uniquely channeled guidance.
In this journey Chelita as Poutokomanawa, navigates you deeply into the realms of your emotional body to unlock suppressed emotion, utilising the tool of conscious connected circular breathing to take you into a non ordinary state of consciousness to activate and release the emotions that no longer serve you
As your journey culminates, we safely navigate and restore you to a place of deep relaxation and integration. A place to land and be supported into a state of TAU | CALM
Chelita is a Certified Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator trained by Owaken Breathwork.
We invite you to come join us and to activate your journey to Freedom.
Nau mai
Kake mai
Haere mai

What is Hau Tapu Breathwork?
Hau Tapu Breathwork is an indigenously led Breathwork experience like no other.
It weaves the elements of Karakia (ritual blessings and ceremony) Hau Tapu/sacred breath, Taonga Pūoro (traditional instrument and sound) and Purakau (stories) with Māori cultural and spiritual practice to immerse you in a unique, safe journey that allows you to fully explore your inner world.
The form of Breathwork we use is Conscious Connected Breathing, this is also sometimes referred to as Holotropic Breathwork or Rebirthing Breathwork.
Breathwork takes you out of the mind and into the body and is designed to take you into a non ordinary state of consciousness. In this state you are able to explore your inner world using your breath as the guide and the intelligence of your mind/body system to navigate you on a journey of self discovery.
What unresolved issues or blocks do you currently feel? What barriers are holding you back from truly living your best life? What behaviors and patterns are you aware of that you wish to shift or change? A breathwork journey can be an epic tool to safely explore and resolve a range of these issues.
Breathwork is a Somatic experience - meaning - soma - of the body. It allows us to explore and bring to the surface unresolved traumas, tensions, subconscious patterns and behaviors and to somatically surrender and release these.
In essence Breathwork allows you to “complete the circuit” and to process anything that has been holding you back from fully realizing your full potential to live a joyful, love filled life filled with potency, purpose and power.
How is Hau Tapu different from other Breathwork?
Your personal TAPU or sacredness is of our utmost importance
Hau Tapu Breathwork is an indigenously led Breathwork experience. This means that the foundation for any Breathwork experience with us, whether it be 1:1 or group sessions, is anchored in the TAPU or the sacredness of our Te Ao Maori tikanga (Maori practices, ethics, values and protocols)
Our tikanga allows for a safe and immersive experience guided by both our Tupuna/ancestors and yours; divine connection to IO/Source energy. We are weavers of the elements of te Taiao/the natural world, the whenua/land and wai/waters in which we reside and we infuse each Hau Tapu with the unique Mauri signatures of these realms.
Outcomes from a Breathwork session.
Breathwork is a transformative experience, it will safely help to navigate a way forwards with your life.
Breathwork works to uncover the trauma, blocks and limitations that are holding you back from experiencing life as it should be - free, loving, joyful!
Hau Tapu Breathwork is a highly emotive and activating experience but upholding each and every one of our journeys is our fundamental principle to anchor and hold a TAPU safe space and experience for everyone.
Breathwork can enable you to make long term significant change in your behaviors and life and give you the opportunity to release the trauma, emotions and energy that has you feeling stuck and tap you into your own sense of personal power and freedom.
Hiwa Matariki Somatic Journey
Take a journey through the magick of Matariki and be guided by this Ariki Whetu - the guiding stars of our tau hau - Maori New Year
Matariki provides us with an opportunity to deeply reflect on our past, present and future
Traditionally the potent time of Matariki, was a time for deep listening and observing. The stars glisten in their whanau cluster beneath the crystalline frost kissed earth of winter.
Learn and reflect on the significance of each star of Matariki and how its Mauri or lifeforce can support, nurture and guide you on this new year's journey.
Hiwa is open to everyone no matter your level of Breathwork experience, no matter your culture or where you are at in the journey of life.
Meet yourself where you are, reflect, journey, acknowledge, transform.
*If you require a payment alternative other than Afterpay - please enquire with me directly.