100% Pure Pacific Cacao Rongoā Māori Blends
Rongoā Māori is the ancient healing art of weaving native plants together in a synergistic way to create healing within a person.
Rongoā works deeply within the individual, binding heaven and earth with each infusion of Mauri or life force.
Our Tupuna/Ancestors innately knew how to heal by using plant medicines karakia (prayer/blessings) and it's these taonga toku iho (inherited gifts) that we still work with today.
All Rongoa is honored and in keeping with tikanga (protocols) gathered with sustainability and ethical practice at its heart.
A key practice of Rongoā Māori is KAITIAKITANGA the ability to act as guardian for not only the rakau (plants) but everything that exists within te taiao the natural world.
By looking after the Rongoa it in turn looks after us and the future generations to come.